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When to replace a roof – signs it’s time for a new one

June 20, 2021

Roof replacement is one of the most important of all major home repairs. You have many things to consider when replacing a roof, but you never want to let an old roof fail; water can destroy the inside of your home, from the attic insulation down through the painstakingly remodelled kitchen, right on through to the basement family room with a big-screen TV. Fewer home problems can be more disastrous than a failed roof.

Roof replacement is not something to take lightly, nor is it a repair you should delay. It's not too difficult to replace or repair a single shingle, but if one shingle fails, it's a good idea to inspect your roof to check the rest of its integrity.

You might also need a permit in your state or locality to repair a roof, depending on the size of the area and the type of repairs. A permit may also be required when reroofing. When you sense that your roof is nearing the end of its useful life, brush up on these basics before soliciting bids from roofing contractors.

Signs You Need a New Roof

Certain signs will let you know when your home needs a new roof. Here are few of the most important indications.

Curling shingles: Shingles tend to curl in one of two ways—either on their edges, called cupping, or in the middle, called clawing. This warping can eventually lead to leaks.

Gutter granules: If you spot loose granules in your gutters while cleaning the need for a new roof may be imminent. These are the remnants of materials that are on top of your shingles protecting your roof from sun damage.

Cracked shingles: Damaged or missing shingles are a tale-tell sign sections of your roof may be compromised. Usually these can be repairs but if there are several areas in need, it may be time to replace the entire roof.

Old Age: If your roof is well over 20 years old, your home may be in store for a new one. Most asphalt shingle roofs are in need or repair or replacement once this old.

Attic Light: If significant light beams are coming through your attic ceiling or you spot water stains, it may be time for a new roof. A roofing professional can assess your roof and let you know if you need a new one.

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