Take advantage of having a complimentary panel clean and boost your electricity generation by up to 20%.
We use cutting edge technologies and materials to ensure you get the most efficient protection for your system.
Once your pigeon proofing are fitted, you'll get a lifetime warranty, and regular annual check ups.
Customer and technical support during the lifetime of your installation.
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In the UK, 1 in 5 homes in have issues of bird infestation. Aside from the annoying noise, birds, vermin, and other pests carry a wide variety of diseases that can propagate into your home.
Pest bird populations are noisy, generate a significant amount of mess and nesting debris and are detrimental to our local United Kingdom ecosystems. You can be sure if pest birds come home to roost, property owners will have headaches and hassle.
Pest control services can rid your roof of these issues; however, they cannot prevent pests from returning again and again.
Solar panels offer shade, warmth and protection for birds. Our solar panel bird mesh protects your high-value investment from damage caused by birds, possums and other pests. Our solar mesh fastens to each panel frame with specially designed fasteners that protect each solar panel array and the panel warranty. Our solar mash ensures unrestricted airflow underneath the panels for optimal panel health.
WHY NOT BOOK A FREE HEALTH CHECK FIRST, for us to provide a comprehensive solution to your requirements.
Comprehensive bird proofing advice from professionals.
Match the gutter guard bird mesh with colour and roof type.
We install gutter guards on your home to prevent birds nesting.
Use our specialist SolarMesh is a wire mesh bird guard for installed solar panels. Other solar meshes reduce airflow with too small a hole size meaning your panels heat up, diminishing the amount of energy your panels can collect daily. Our solar mesh is specially designed to avoid this problem, so you can safely use it to protect your panels from damage.
The high-strength UV stable coated wire mesh and bespoke panel clips prevent birds’ access and ensure unrestricted airflow. The solar panel mesh is also unlikely to cause any harm to the birds; it merely prevents them from being able to get at your solar panels to cause damage.
We are the only UK company to offer bushfire protection compliant solar panel mesh installation using our aluminium mesh types with specialised fasteners clips.
Bird Proofing Advantages
Birds cause solar panel defects, as birds damage exposed wiring and bird droppings erode a solar panel array and the panel framework, leading to function loss for the installed solar panel. Bird-related damage is often not covered under the panel warranty.
Bird material and droppings contain various parasites and transmissible diseases, negatively impacting your health. Proximity to humans can transmit mites and lice infestations. A build-up of nesting material also attracts other pests, such as vermin.
Bird mess and nesting ruminants accumulate under the panels. Nesting material and feathers create blockages and water build-up under the solar panels. This build-up can seep through the shingles and tiles into the roof sheathing and insulation on tiled roofs.
Bird material, leaves, and debris accumulate under solar panels, reducing airflow. In some cases, birds trap themselves underneath the panels and die. Solar panel cleaning is an arduous task that risks your safety and damages your roofing system and property.
Birds nesting and roosting is a loud affair, and baby birds are notoriously noisy while remaining in the nest, most often at night. Some UK bird species live in communal families, which adds to the noise. Solar panel bird mesh reduces this noise.
Bird droppings on solar panels look terrible, and the dropping’s acidity leaves permeant discolouration and stains on your property. Birds leave droppings and nesting ruminants on roofing eaves, verandas and gutters, negatively impacting your property aesthetics.
Comprehensive bird proofing advice from professionals.
Match the gutter guard bird mesh with colour and roof type.
We install gutter guards on your home to prevent birds nesting.
Top reasons to pursue bird preventative measures over simple bird control:
Bird prevention and bird proofing measures are more humane and eco-friendly than other bird control measures, including bird spikes, bird netting and sprays that can potentially harm or kill the birds.
Bird proofing and prevention is a long-term solution as the birds unable to get access will move on quickly to other more easily accessible nesting sites.
Bird proofing and prevention is more effective as the physical barriers prevent birds from accessing areas of your properties to avoid nesting or roosting.
Bird proofing and prevention is a more cost-effective solution, as homeowners make a one-time investment with a 25-year workmanship warranty, unlike bird control measures requiring a regular application that can add up for homeowners.
Gutters and drainpipes clogged with feathers or nesting materials
Increase bird droppings on the roof, solar panels, walls, fascias, eaves, and verandah;
Strong unpleasant odours that linger despite cleaning your home
Loud scratching, screeching and crying of young birds
Collection of nesting material –grass, twigs, feathers, dried mud around property
Damage to exposed electrical wiring around solar panels and hose
Our solar mesh Pro is a commercial grade solution to protect your solar panel investment from nesting birds and vermin.
Our PVC coated stainless steel wire mesh is durable and strong. It has a large aperture for maximum airflow which prevents moisture and mildew forming under the panels.
It is a longer-lasting pest control solution.
“This product is amazing. I have never found a product that is so effective.”
“The service is outstanding are always of the highest quality. I’m sure to be a return customer.”
“This is the best company I have ever used. I have already referred to all my friends and colleagues.”
Hi there! Have some questions about our bird proofing? Find the answers below.
In various urban and rural parts of United Kingdom, nuisance birds are a major source of damage to residential and commercial structures and stores. They serve as vectors for diseases, mites, and bacteria, and they often lure additional pests like rodents, possums, and insects, jeopardising your family's health. Business owners often report damage to commercial buildings and electrical systems, including solar panel damage.
Various birds can be problematic for property owners, some of which are introduced species while others are indigenous. Our customers' most frequently reported troublesome bird species include pigeons, mynas, starlings, seagulls and sparrows.
During a bird-proofing inspection, our team examine typical areas on and around your property where birds gather and find their nests. The key places where birds could enter your building or premises are also identified.
This information is critical for the bird mesh installer to design a tailored bird deterrent solution incorporating our bird mesh system. These measures will ensure the area is secured against birds nesting or roosting.
While gutter guards are excellent at preventing birds from nesting in your gutters due to the materials used and the system's slope, they primarily discourage birds from perching on the guard itself. However, they do not stop birds from sitting or standing on roof tiles or aerials. For a more comprehensive bird-proofing solution, consider additional measures such as bird spikes or bird netting for those areas.
For more information on commercial bird-proofing gutter guard solutions, contact our Commercial Projects Manager.
To achieve comprehensive bird-proofing, a thorough inspection of all potential access points and areas of the property is crucial. The mesh must be securely attached to all locations to deter birds from roosting or nesting. A holistic solution also includes bird proofing of the solar panels installed on the roof.
Solar panel bird protection is a crucial part of a comprehensive bird-proofing solution. Birds often find the area beneath solar panels an attractive place to roost or nest, which can lead to panel damage and reduce their efficiency. Installing bird-proofing solutions around your solar panels, like our bespoke bird mesh, will protect them from bird-related damage and potential efficiency losses. This protection complements the overall bird-proofing of your property, ensuring all possible roosting and nesting areas are secured.
All our bird-proofing gutter guard installations have a product warranty based on the range and material of up to 25 years. We offer workmanship warranties of up to 10 years.
The duration of installation can vary depending on the property's size and the bird problem's complexity. Typically, our UK-based installers can complete most installations within a few hours. However, it may take a couple of hours to ensure a comprehensive bird-proofing solution for larger properties or more intricate scenarios.
Our bird-proofing solutions employ efficient techniques tailored to your problem, saving you time and money. In contrast, DIY bird-proofing methods involve substantial physical work and expensive materials. Moreover, they may inadvertently cause additional damage to structures. Our methods, on the other hand, are designed to preserve the structural soundness of your building, which is especially crucial for commercial or heritage structures.
Our bird-proofing methods, including gutter guards and bird mesh installations, are designed to deter and keep birds away rather than harm them. We prioritise humane and eco-friendly solutions that protect your property without causing unnecessary harm to wildlife.
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